Crystal Ultra Bridge: A Full-Arch Implant-Based Dental Restoration for All-On-4

The mouth has two prominent features: the upper and lower arches. The teeth stem from these arches to give you what you know as your bite. Mouth and jaw issues usually arise from having an incorrect bite.
Problems such as missing teeth and inadequate and/or poor dentition put the bite, mouth, and jaw at risk of oral issues. An implant-based partial or full dental restoration may be necessary for such scenarios.

Crystal Ultra is a dentistry breakthrough in the form of nanoceramic material that blends salinized glass with advanced polymers. This combination brings aesthetics to life with hydrophobicity while balancing them with that polymer that offers outstanding functionality.

These unique properties have made Crystal Ultra an exceptional choice among dental restoration types for restorative dentistry. It brings strength similar to that of lithium disilicate and is 6x stronger than acrylic dentures.

Types Of Materials



Per arch




Very High


Per arch






Per arch






Per arch






Per arch






Per arch





Crystal Ultra has become one of the top selections when it comes to restoring smiles. For more information on Crystal Ultra bridges and how they can improve your smile.







Crystal Ultra Compared To Other Dental Bridges

Crystal Ultra dentures are stable, making them a catch over traditional dentures that shift within the mouth. They are the best material and reduce the likelihood of bone loss while replicating a more natural look and feel.

Things people take for granted, like eating and smiling comfortably, may not be possible with traditional dentures. Since they are not taken out every night for cleaning purposes, as typical brushing suffices, it is a bonus.

Crystal Ultra: Compared

  • Crystal Ultra is far more robust than acrylic and denture teeth, and it is not as strong as Zirconia. It makes up for this with a lighter feel, more effortless adjustment, and repairability, all done chairside. These attributes are highly beneficial to both dentists and patients.
  • As Crystal Ultra is hydrophobic when properly polished and sealed, it is stain-resistant.
  • The past combination with titanium bonded poorly due to insufficient support, sometimes leading to fractures. Alongside the Trilor substructure, Crystal Ultra is strong and will not break as the process and materials are now perfect.
  • The Trilor substructure, when properly sealed, does not irritate the soft tissues within the mouth.

Why Dentists And Patients Choose Crystal Ultra For All-On-4

For patients:

Crystal Ultra is the most durable and elastic hybrid ceramic currently used for dental restoration. Its higher ratio of polymers to ceramics gives it comprehensive strength, eliminating brittleness and giving it excellent shock absorption.

Its highly aesthetic look, strong translucent quality, shock absorption, and soft bite give it a semblance of natural dentition. Its lightness (60% less than Zirconia-based arches), durability, and resistance to chipping and staining make it an excellent choice.

A more rigid material than enamel has less flexibility and forgiveness, leading to an unnatural sound and feel. Closely matching natural dentition is the key to avoiding the ‘clacky’ sound and giving patients the comfort and value they deserve. Many dental restorative materials that are applied while pliable will lose their flexibility as soon as they toughen.

Crystal Ultra goes above and beyond in matching natural dentition as closely as possible with just the right hardness level. Its comprehensive strength also simulates the natural chewing force, precisely what the mouth needs.

For Dentists:

As dentists, we aim to provide our patients with the best dental restoration services and options. Sometimes patients need a return visit for many reasons, and Crystal Ultra makes any adjustment work very easy, chairside.

It essentially cuts back on time spent sending the set back to the lab for repairs before the patient returns. Crystal Ultra gives a dentist the differentiation that sets it apart from most of the other Zirconia-based dental implants.

If the patient has receded gum, we have the power to easily re-line it with a light-cured composite. Any other repairs are also simple and keep invasiveness to a minimum.

Crystal Ultra offers quicker restoration time and the ability to re-line changed tissue without transitional implants. One thing you wish to avoid as a dentist is complaints from patients due to long-term complications. In this case, Crystal Ultra is unquestioned.

Crystal Ultra does a great job of absorbing shock by replicating periodontal ligament function, ensuring fewer complications.

Advantages Of Crystal Ultra

The fabrication of Crystal Ultra provides several advantages compared to other traditional restoration methods. These advantages include:

  • Enjoyment of the foods that you love: Crystal Ultra is one of the most durable restorations. It is the most similar to natural teeth in function and strength, allowing you to enjoy your favorite foods.
  • Comfortability: Crystal Ultra restorations have a unique ceramic quality that allows them to flex in the mouth. This flex is one of the main reasons why Crystal Ultra is one of the most comfortable restorations for patients. This offers a soft bite.
  • Strong but flexible: The Crystal Ultra is an extremely durable material that also bends and flexes in the mouth. The slight flex in the material passes on less chewing impact to the implants reducing their long-term failure. It also minimizes the likelihood of fracturing.
  • Adjustable: Crystal Ultra allows for quick and efficient repairs to any damages made to the prosthesis.

Disadvantages Of Crystal Ultra

  • It can break: When it comes to someone with a strong bite, the Crystal Ultra bridge can crack. It is not a failure of the material. It is more a matter of the material having to match the patient’s bite forces, as well as the type of foods they enjoy eating and how hard they work on their bite. The correct material must be chosen based on the patient’s bite force.
  • Cost: Due to its popularity and efficiency, it can be higher in price, similar to the price of Zirconia.
  • Strength: Crystal Ultra and Nanoceramic are not quite as strong of materials as Zirconia.

At All-On-Four Dental Implant Center, we understand that each patient’s smile is unique, which is why we provide our patients with multiple restorations. We will help turn your dream smile into a reality. Call (877) 349-9270 today to schedule your consultation with our team of experienced professionals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Crystal ultra

Am I a candidate for a Crystal Ultra bridge?

How to clean underneath your Crystal Ultra bridge?

What are the benefits of a Crystal Ultra bridge?

What is a Crystal Ultra bridge?

What is the cost of a Crystal Ultra Bridge?

Schedule An Appointment

At AllOnFour Dental Implants, we provide the highest quality dental care for our patients in the Tri-State area. With over 30 years of experience, our team is led by surgeons and doctors at the top of their field, so you know you are receiving the best care possible. Our office is a welcoming environment and we treat our staff and patients like family. We hope to see you soon for a free consultation.